Price & Services
Real Estate Photo package
MLS Photos - Interior & Exterior of home - Easy download from anywhere
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Up To 1,500sq ft.
1hr / $125

Up To 1,500sq ft.
1hr / $125
Joy Y. Jeffrey was incredible. Flexible scheduling and gorgeous photos. My Listing is getting more views than any I've ever had!
1,500 - 2,500sq ft.
1hr / $155

1,500 - 2,500sq ft.
1hr / $155
Stacy R. Professionalism Jeffrey brings the best to the table for our team. Going above and beyone.
2,500 - 3,500sq ft.
1.5hr / $190

2,500 - 3,500sq ft.
1.5hr / $190
Jack S. Stunning pictures, amazing package with the tools I need as a Realtor to promote me, my team and client.
3,500 - 4,500sq ft.
2hr / $280

3,500 - 4,500sq ft.
2hr / $280

Tammy Mc. Jeffrey shows Attention to detail and has the skill set we need to impress our clients and audiance. Our listings recieve more hits than ever before. We will continue to use him
4,501 sq ft. and above
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4,501 sq ft. and above
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Shawn C. Jeffrey offers more than any other photographer we have used here in the Tampa area. Cost are upfront and very reasonable. He will impress!
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For commercial, Product or other needs lets get the details - email
Text 813-999-0450 for quickest respnse time.
Above Real Estate Package required for Add-On Prices
Photos for Mls